Brief information on FOLLI CLASS ACTION

We are filling Law Suits collectively against the Company, the Members of the Board of Directors, the Auditors (insured for professional indemnity for the audit of fraudulent financial statements) and the Arranging Banks of the Folli Bonds at the Greek Courts in Athens 

Class period is between the date of enlistment of the company in 1998 and the 25th May 2018, date of suspension of trade 

Click here for more information

Eligible are all security holders and bondholders, who suffered damages, either by selling at a lower price after the announcement of the QCM Fund on 3rd May 2018 or by withholding the securities until date of suspension. 

For those ones who sold after the announcement of QCM Fund , the calculation is simple: The amount lost at a lesser price in euros/dollars. 

For those who withheld, we calculate the damage as tantamount to the money invested for the purchase of securities;  we regard the loss to be total, irrespective whether on the date of suspension the market prize was at 4,8 euros. The company exists and is still big, but if and when trade recommences in the stock market, we anticipate a dilution of 99,95%, thus a total loss. If, by any chance, it will be more than zero, then defendants could deduct this from our compensation. 

Deadline is not strict, as we are filling in tranches, separated in asset classes of FOLLI instruments (bonds, equities) However as situation unfolds, it is prudent to participate as soon as possible in order to secure the claims against other creditors. 

There is not yet third party financing, therefore a 2% plus VAT 24% must be deposited upfront to the Law Firm’s account 

Calculation of the upfront fee is easy : 

For those who withheld securities until suspension of trade, it corresponds to the total amount of the money invested in the securities,

For those who sold after the announcement of QCM Fund  on the 3rd May 2018, the calculation is the following : The amount lost at a lesser price so you deduct the amount invested at @@@ initial market price by the amount received after the selling at $$$ market price 

In case of recovery and ONLY, whether by extra-judicial settlement or by court decision, there is a 10% success fee.

Folli Follie Class Action Eligibility Check - Class Period 30th March 1998 – 25th May 2018

the 26th April 2018 – Date of the Official Announcement of the Annual Financial Statements

I can provide documents that establish the following:

My losses are:

Please provide us with your contact information:

Download and fill the forms that apply to your case and email them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  1. Έλληνες φυσικά πρόσωπα («ατομική εξουσιοδότηση μετόχων follie προς Kyros Law - 2019») (PDF) 
  2. Σε ξένα φυσικά πρόσωπα («retainer fee agreement – follie case final – 2019»)  (PDF)
  3. Σε ξένα νομικά πρόσωπα («retainer fee agreement institutional investors – folli case – 2019») (PDF)

Please be in touch by no later than 30th June, 2019. If we determine you are eligible to participate we will need all supporting evidence by no later than 15th July, 2019.

By clicking the “Submit Eligibility Check” button above, I give permission to the law firms to store my personal information for the duration of any action about which I am inquiring and to use my personal information solely, as required, in the pursuit of recovering any losses I have incurred should I enter into an attorney-client relationship with the law firms. The user should not consider the provision of any information on this site to be an invitation for, or a guarantee of, any attorney-client relationship and should not rely on the information for any legal purpose, as it may not reflect current legal developments. Kyros Law Offices disclaims all liability in respect to actions taken or not taken based on any contents of this site.